Winter wonderland.

Its been a whirlwind of a week! Firstly there were upsides like spending a lazy day watching Bridesmaids *Its hilarious you guys! You've got to see this!* and eating koka noodles. Then towards the end of the week came the volcanic eruption - Project submission dates. A tonne of them! Ugh. But even when its raining assignments and things are looking glum, I like to take an effort & dress up all prettily.
A very important lesson I've learned is; when you dress up every morning, do it not just to look good for everyone around you, but most importantly to feel good about yourself.

 Snowflake sweater - Vintage, Grey tee (worn underneath) - Gifted, Black jeans - Topshop London, Shoes - All-star converse

This sweater, apart from being warm and cuddly, has the most adorable snowflake print. The pictures you see are taken at 7am -  Yes, that is how I look early in the morning. It feels amazing to be bundled up like this on a cold wintery morning.
PS: I have an announcement to make. In 10 days, I will be heading off to Rajasthan for the Jaipur Film Festival ! *happy dance* Before I leave, the tonne of projects need to be completed, printed and submitted. That's why the extra pressure during the next 2 weeks. However, during the entire time I will do what it takes to publish my weekly post.
Hope you've been having a great week - A few days to the weekend!


Lovely outfit <3 You look great!!!

My first blog sale-
Oh my this is such a cute look. Love the sweater. The snow flakes are adorable.<3
StylishByNature said…
Lovely sweater...All the best for JFF :)

Nitika Bhatia said…
I agree with must dress up for oneself.. Nd I do just the same :D
Your sweater is cutee.. wishing u a great time @ the film festival : )
4 Leaved Clover said…
Hey Sweets, can hear you at the mirror,early morning, preening and turning... Looking good
ilovetrends said…
Love your jumper!
Chandana said…
I always feel good when I dress up well! Cute sweater.. it does look cozy!
10 days in Rajasthan? Sounds awesome.. Enjoy and bring back some pretty pictures for us! :)

u look pretty in the snowflake sweater!!!
happy journey!!!!!!
Rajasthan sounds amazing!!
Dayle Pereira said…
Thank you :) Keeping my fingers crossed!
Dayle Pereira said…
Thats very sweet of you Nitika :) Thanks!
& yes, dressing up just to look at yourself in the mirror & smile feels amazing :D
Dayle Pereira said…
Aww > Thanks Sara!
Opps! Well, I'm following you now :)
Dayle Pereira said…
Thank you :)
I really like your blog :D
Dayle Pereira said…
It was so cozy! Thanks Chandana :) I'll definitely doing that :D
Dayle Pereira said…
Awww - Thanks Gargi :)
Georgie said…
Your jumper is so cute! And I love your converse too, need to dig mine out, they go with everything! x
Dayle Pereira said…
so true - converse really do with everything! :D Thanks Georgie !
Alexandra said…
I love the sweater, so cozy, and seriously Cons work with everything! They're the perfect default footwear.

Alexandra xo
Kari said…
Love that sweater. Nice find!! And it looks great paired with those sneakers. A girl after my own heart...darling.
you look click pictures..i have many imaginations about the jaipur film festivals!!

following you..maybe you have time to visit my blog too :)
Ayantika said…
lovely sweater :)....btw r u in TCS ?

Dayle Pereira said…
Awww <3 Thank you Kari !
Dayle Pereira said…
Hehe - Thank you!
Yes, I'll take lots of pictures & I'll definitely check your blog right away!
Dayle Pereira said…
Thanks Ayantika - I'm not sure what TCS is actually..
Unknown said…
Are the pics clicked in SIES college by any chance? :O
Dayle Pereira said…
Yes they are Rach ! I study there - You're there too ?!
Dayle Pereira said…
Haha - Will you believe that ?!
I'm your senior :D
Anonymous said…
weater, apart from being warm and cuddly, has the most adorable snowflake print. ...

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