The year ends in 5 days and like any person who enjoys over-thinking, I've gotten a little introspective. When it started, I wasn't sure how good the year was going to turn out but now with 11 months and 25 days of it having flown by, I think I can say that I'm pretty pleased at the year 2013 has shown me.
Blinding lights |
Excited as always while I'm in my hat phase. |
I feel like I've grown a lot as a person, especially this year and I don't think turning 21 had much to do with it. After all, isn't age just another statistic? On a lighter note, Style File has grown enormously during 2013 and the number of Style File-rs are growing everyday, which makes me incredibly happy to share my thoughts with more and more people. My outfits are getting
more refined, I'm gotten more involved in
beauty and skincare, I've had the chance to attend some
amazing events and I'm experimenting a lot more with my personal style.
Making the most of Christmas while it's still the season. |
Taking it all in at the sea, my happy place. |
And along my share of tribulations this year too, I've had my fair share of trials as well and the cold, hard truth is whether you are enjoying it or not, life goes on. That's why I believe that you must embrace every single moment of it. Embrace everything that life throws at you - the good, the bad, the humiliating, the maddening, the amazing, the exciting; just take all of it in because that it what really shapes you as a person.
At the end of it all, some of that becomes a life lesson that you will learn from or it becomes an amazing memory that will never fade from your mind. Whatever it is, I can promise you that you will benefit from it.
And that is what 2013 has taught me that I'll be taking forward to 2014.
How has your year been ?
I think 2013 has been the best year of my life so far! I wish you all the best for 2014!
New Year's Eve outfit ideas:
Follow me on Twitter: @berrytrendyblog